Trad Dad Starter Kit
Not available
Do your joints creak? Do you fancy punting up the spicy HVS at the crag over crushing out the new local 7B boulder? Do you have a sense of superiority over all boulderers and sport "climbers"? If you said yes to any, or all of these questions, you have been diagnosed as a Trad Dad. Lace up your TC Pro's, attach your large hexes to your harness and don't forget your lucky skyhook and get out there!
The TC Pro has been engineered to be comfortable for long periods without sacrificing performance on small edges or jamming in cracks. Rumour has it that 'ol Tommy wanted to have an integrated orthopedic insole for additional arch support, but La Sportiva got them comfy enough without them.
The Wild Country Rockcentric (5-9) set of hexes are always the first to be put on a Trad Dad's rack. They allow the trad dad to place some big bomber pieces of pro, and help the Trad Dad's handler locate them if they've wandered too far from the crag!
Nothing calms your nerves more than placing the most bomber piece of pro ever created: a Sky Hook. This little piece can be whipped on 24/7 and definitely never, ever pings off the rock. If the route you're on has holds on it, you've always got a piece of protection while you've got a skyhook on you.
Finally, the Trad Dad isn't complete without a sense of superiority over other forms of climbing. Sport climbing is neither, and pebble wrestling is too much effort. Crack open a cold one and have a go on a 3 star crag classic, and enjoy your retirement!